Lay-Buy Terms And Conditions
Terms and Conditions: PUT IT ON LAY-BUY
Lay-Buy Terms & Conditions for any Lay-Buy transaction entered into with Feisty Gurl:
You can lay-buy purchases of $50 or more at Feisty Gurl and spread the payment over a number of weeks. To establish a lay-buy, you must pay a 25% deposit. Lay-buys are available for up to 30 days and regular payments of at least $5 must be made. To receive purchases in time for Christmas, all Lay-Buy payments must me made by Monday, December 19th Noon CST.
Where can I make payments? Payments may be made through Paypal.
What products cannot be purchased on lay-buy? Lay-buy is available on all items over $50.
Service Fees. A small 0.9% admin fee is payable to Lay-Buys.
Receiving your purchases. Your items will be delivered as soon as you have paid in full for the lay-buy. Purchases must be paid for by the lay-by finalization date printed on your invoice.
Cancellation by you. Lay-bys may be cancelled by you at any time during the term, in which case you will be entitled to a refund of the amount you have paid, less a termination fee of 20% of the total purchase price.
Cancellation for non-payment or non-collection. It is your responsibility to make the regular lay-by repayments and make all payments by the due date. Failure to make payments when they are due and by the due date will be treated as cancellation of the lay-by. Feisty Gurl is not required to contact you before cancelling a lay-by for non-payment or non-collection. If your lay-by is cancelled, you will be entitled to a refund of the amount you have paid, less a termination fee of 20% of the total purchase price.
Other terms. Lay-by contents cannot be modified. You may change your contact details or request a replacement lay-by receipt. Lay-by terms may be varied for specific events or promotions.
Your privacy. Your personal information will be used to administer the lay-by, including for Feisty Gurl or third parties to send reminders via letter, SMS or email. If you opt in to receive marketing material, you agree to Feisty Gurl collecting your personal information for marketing its products and services to you and to analyze purchasing activity. Feisty Gurl may provide personal information to service providers for these purposes. Feisty Gurl respects customer privacy and will only use your personal information in accordance with Feisty Gurl Privacy Policy (see